Wednesday 22 February 2017

Laptop with 3 screens/monitors

Sorry if i cannot go to school 
Its because i am sick and i cannot push myself with it

Anyway today i am gonna explain about laptop

A Weird gaming laptop that never you seen in indonesia

Its called Razer Laptop with triple screen

Here is the picture about this laptop :
What do you think about it?

For me nothing special(WUT HOW?)(You are jealous aren't u)
If you think about this maybe you are wrong because that wasn't what i actually mean

This laptop has 3 monitor because it was secret razer project for Laptop Gaming 

It Costs : $3.700
Equal 49.417.200 to rupiah

What this laptop really special is 
1. Due of triple monitor it has 11520 x 2160
2. 32 GB Ram always
3. Both of 3 monitors has 17 inch 4K

For more information visit this site:

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