Wednesday 22 February 2017

Laptop with 3 screens/monitors

Sorry if i cannot go to school 
Its because i am sick and i cannot push myself with it

Anyway today i am gonna explain about laptop

A Weird gaming laptop that never you seen in indonesia

Its called Razer Laptop with triple screen

Here is the picture about this laptop :
What do you think about it?

For me nothing special(WUT HOW?)(You are jealous aren't u)
If you think about this maybe you are wrong because that wasn't what i actually mean

This laptop has 3 monitor because it was secret razer project for Laptop Gaming 

It Costs : $3.700
Equal 49.417.200 to rupiah

What this laptop really special is 
1. Due of triple monitor it has 11520 x 2160
2. 32 GB Ram always
3. Both of 3 monitors has 17 inch 4K

For more information visit this site:

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Virus from Windows

To be honest i do not know what i should post because i cannot find something that interesting enough to posts
I always think about virus while this blog is about computer :/
But whatever
Anyway i am gonna show you some virus that was exists from Windows

Actually there is a bunch of virus
But i am gonna show you 4 virus instead

1. CIH(Chrenobyl Or Spacefiller)

This virus only works on windows 9x
Meaning this 95/98/ME
The creator of this virus is from Taiwan
CIH means Chen Ing Hau

The behavior of this virus :

When you click it
It will infected any .exe files resulting
And the dangerous part is the payload
When you try to open it at April 26
First there is a blue screen of death then you could back to the desktop but shown nothing when you restart
Your boot sector is gone


This one works in modern pc such as XP,Vista,And 7
This virus behavior is simple
Make your computer slow,adding some garbage .exe files,and system shutdown error shown :O
But thats not all
Some other user could get this effects
Ex: Your computer got sasser virus and the other friends computer got sasser too


This virus works on Win9x
Similar like Sasser except your computer got BSOD after you run some files
Also has some CIH Behaviors
Very insane Huh?

This virus works on win9x
This virus has some strong languages
When you run this virus
It show random colors (for epilepsy you have been warned)
And there is a button
When the button disappears
It will try to destroy your hard drive
Until 100% you can close your windows and restart
After restart it said
Could not find WIN.Com unable to continue windows

Ok that's it and thanks for reading this post

Wednesday 8 February 2017

000.exe Creepypasta Virus

Even i am not so good at gaming
I am still have an interest in tech especially computer
Such as Windows And So on

So when i search some virus prank on youtube
I found a virus called 000.exe
It was a virus like this
Here is the first desktop look like

When you run the virus it was like this

It's shown a picture like a street changing the color effects repeatedly
After about 10 - 20 seconds it will restart your computer
What the virus do is like shown from these picture below :

First if your computer is locked you'll see your username is changed to URNEXT(You're next)

Then your desktop flooded with some sort of notepad with different icon
And some fake error messages

 Your start button is empty as shown in windows 8.1

And there is a MS Word said like this

When the street video shown what this virus do is kill the explorer.exe
And restart your computer
Then changing your username

This virus of course its scary
There was a BTS about this virus

There also the removal for this virus shown here :

I am not sure if this virus work at windows XP

Screenshot taken from Flytech Videos

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Microsoft Excel IF

This is my first blog in 2017 so my content in this blog is for computer and it's random
This blog is abandoned about 2 years
Just look at the dates

Anyway I just learn the formula in excel from my school
It's called IF(Looks old but new for me)

The Formula is :

Logical test is the value that can be evaluated true or false

True is the value where it could return to True

Same like false

IF could be use with others formula like LEFT And Right
The only difference is the formula itself and the process you made the command